Dietitian Avinka

Privacy Policy

Dietitian Avinka is the author and publisher of the internet resource (website) on the world wide web. This privacy policy explains how we collect, use, share and protect personal information about the Users of the Services. We have created this Privacy Policy to demonstrate our commitment to the protection of your privacy and your personal information. We don’t sell or pass your personal data to anyone else.  We may request your details like name, email address, contact number, address,etc in order to provide you with our services. 


A Cookie is a small file that resides on your computer’s hard drive and often contains an anonymous unique identifier and is accessible only by the web site that placed it there, not any other sites. We may set and access cookies on your computer to collect data about you and your activity across our site. You may delete Cookies, however you may lose any information that enables you to access the Web Site more quickly

Usage and Security of information 

The sole purpose of collecting your information is to provide you with our services. Your data is a priority for us. The information you provide will remain confidential. We do not share or provide personal information to third parties. However, it is a given that all potential actions cannot ensure complete security, hence despite the use of best security and assurance measures, absolute security including all features cannot be guaranteed. 


we may change our privacy policy. from time to time, based on requirements and relevant developments.Any changes made to this privacy policy shall be communicated through proper channels to the users, in case the changes are significant in nature



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